Welcome to Poggio Salvi

Today, Poggio Salvi is directed by Mrs. Laura Bicchi, assisted in part by her husband Roberto Bonucci, while their son Jacopo Bonucci, oenologist and owner of the Azienda Agricola Poggio Salvi Ss in Sovicelle produces the wine.
Tradition, passion and intuition were the driving qualities that led Poggio Salvi to establish itself on international markets as a synonym of quality wines. Every year, every land, every idea that you we want to put in place is a new beginning, a new search for higher and higher quality margins.
The production of most of the Poggio Salvi wines takes place in the Poggio Salvi farm, a historical heritage of the family, located in the heart of Tuscany about 11 kilometers south-west of Siena, in the municipality of Sovicille in the province of Siena, on the slopes of a gentle hill 280 m. above sea level Other wines are produced in Montepulciano and in Manciano in Maremma, in the Province of Grosseto.
Poggio Salvi Sas makes use of everything related to packaging operations, preparation of orders and shipments, of the Poggio Salvi winery in Sovicille.